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Showing posts from July, 2022

Nullifying the Governor's pardoning power's?

PROMINENCE - Recently, a poll conducted by Senator urdadcaleb, inquired citizens on their opinion of ''limiting the Governor’s ability to pardon individuals for specific things." The polls show that 80% of citizens are against the limitation of the Governer's pardons. A small portion of citizens, 20% of them, voted for the limitation of the pardoning's.  After Senator urdadcaleb's poll, many have questioned his motives for posting such poll. Some have pointed out that this poll comes immediately after CarIosCarmine's pardoning by Governor HxppyTeddyy. Senator urdadcaleb has been criticized for his questioning of the Constitutional responsibilities of the Governor.   The Governor's pardoning power is a long-standing tradition dating back to the founding of the State of Firestone in 2016. The power to pardon individuals are given to the Governor in the Constitution:          The Governor shall hold the power to issue reprieves, commutations, a...

Pump Patrol |

 PUMP PATROL As gas prices rise inside Stapleton County, The Firestone Patriot promises to provide the cheapest gas prices. Here are the latest (This page updates everytime prices change)

The Firestone Car Incident

The Firestone Incident that occurred  on the Bike Marathon  There was a car incident the day of the Bike Marathon. The blue car was rolled upside down, leaving one man inside at the time of the car incident, not being sure whether the car was hit, or it was an accident. There were two policemen and two firemen at the scene of the car incident. I asked one of the policemen what happened. All he could tell me, is that the car rolled over, so the policemen did not give away much information. The scene was very disturbing as the firemen were trying to help save the man's life. Hopefully the man was saved, as not too much information was spread before I had to leave the scene at that time. We hope he was rescued and went to a hospital to get medical help.